Situ Gintung Disaster

Reconsidering Lakes in Jakarta

VIVAnews - It was viewed that the concept of lake development in Jakarta was not well-prepared, said an expert in planology from Trisakti University, Yayat Supriyatna.

He requested that the public should be aware of the fact taking into account the Situ Gintung dam burst which killed more than 90 people.

"Jakarta only built lakes without any proceeding concept. Lake development in Jakarta prepared no water catchment area. In addition, the buffer zone between homes and the lakes did not meet the requirement. In fact, the range of the buffer zone should have been between 50 and 100 meters," said Supriyatna on Monday, March 30.

He went on to say that the lakes in Jakarta do not have clear function. It remains blurred whether or not the lakes are water reservoir, tourist spots, fish farming or irrigation.

Head of Jakarta Public Works Agency, Budi Widiantoro, said the office is for the time being investigating dams and lakes in order to avoid dam burst from occurring.

Widiantoro said routine maintenance toward dams in Jakarta is coordinated with sub-district section head of Public Works Agency.

Every month, he received report on the latest condition of the dams. Had there been reports on some damage, the agency would have responded over the reports.

However, he said, concerns should be focused on Pluit lake. Since people have illegally inhabited the area around the lake, its capacity has decreased.

It was planned that the Jakarta administration will dredge the lake by 2010. "As for the emergency response, any damage will be immediately repaired during the dredging process," he said.

The provincial government always allocates the repairing budget every year. Based on data that Public Works Agency received, he said, no available dams are prone to burst.  

Based on data of the Public Works Agency, there are 26 lakes in Jakarta. However, only 50 percent of the lakes are 90 percent completed.

The government claimed that 189 lakes existing in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi are in fine condition. Only two out of the listed 189 are of Dutch heritage: Situ Gintung (Tangerang) and Situ Lembang (Menteng, Central Jakarta).
According to Director General of Water Resources at the Department of Public Works, Iwan Nursyirwan, the Department is monitoring the lakes having the capacity of above 500,000 cubic meters. 
Based on Public Works Ministerial Regulation No.72, inspection on lakes and dams is carried out at least once a year, said Nursyirwan.

"Several lakes are indeed damaging except Situ Gintung," he said during a press conference at the Department of Public Works on Monday, March 30.
He said that Situ Gintung only functions as a conservation area as well as tourist spot. Therefore, no spill way is available. He said that as of 1933, the water level Situ Gintung has been stagnant. "Since 1933, water [level] has never reached above one meter," he said.
At Situ Gintung dam, there were two closed ways aiming at irrigating two areas. For the time being, they have narrowed to one meter, compared to the previous five to seven meters.

There are two options that will be taken concerning Situ Gintung lake. First, it will have its initial function as a lake and drainage. Its surroundings must be sterilized from housing.

Second, the lake will serve as a river.

Ternyata SYL Pakai Uang Peras Pejabat Kementan untuk Renovasi Rumah dan Perawatan Keluarga


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

Pendeta, Eastwood Anaba

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