18-31 Dec - Rethinking the Regime of Etching

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VIVAnews - Tisna Sanjaya is a prominent Indonesian contemporary artist who works primarily in etching, painting, calligraphic drawing and multi-media installation art. He is a key figure in many discussions about Indonesian contemporary art and its development.

In a theme "Ideocracy: Rethinking the Regime of Etching", Sanjaya is displaying around 130 of his works created from 1980s until today, consisting of graphics, paintings, master plates, installations and drawings.

The exhibition is curated by Jim Supangkat and Rizki A Zaelani, and was officiated by Goenawan Mohamad on 18 December 2008.

Venue : Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Hall A and Hall B, Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No.14, Jakarta.

Date : 18 - 31 December 2008

Contact : Phone: (021) 34833954, (Director) 34833955

Organized by Art Sociates and Galeri Nasional Indonesia