Jan 23: Movie Screening: Belkibolang

Sumber :
  • bicarafilm.com

Belkibolang (2010)
Teater Salihara

Directors: Edwin, Wisnu Surya Pratama, Tumpal Tampubolon, Anggun Priambodo, Agung Sentausa, Ifa Isfansyah, Sidi Saleh, Azhar Lubis, Rico Marpaung  | Skenario: Titien Wattimena

Belkibolang, short form of "Belok Kiri Boleh Langsung" (literally Left Turn on Red), is a compilation of short films directed by nine Indonesian directors. The films depict issues on relationship, belief and thrills having nine different nights in Jakarta as their backdrops. Based on the scenario written by Titien Wattimena, the nine directors focus their views on urban street life.

23 January 2011 | 7 pm - 9 pm

Reservation: dita@salihara.org