House to Question Ahmadiyya Today

Rumah Suparman, anggota Jamaah Ahmadiyah yang diserang
Sumber :
  • Antara/ Asep Fathulrahman

VIVAnews - Today, the House of Representatives (DPR) will host a meeting which involves Ahmadi members following brutal attacks against a group of Ahmadis in Cikeusik, Banten, on 6 February, 2011. A lawmaker Ahmad Zainudin from Commission VIII said the summoned Ahmadi members will be asked to expose any fact surrounding the incident.

"We'd like to hear their side of the story," said Zainudin yesterday.

According to him, DPR will also gain information from the meeting in pursuit of the Draft Bill on Religious Tolerance.

The draft bill is still being prepared by Commission VIII as the tragedies in Cikeusik and Temanggung occurred and, as a result, set off further discussion on draft bill.

Another lawmaker Abdul Kadir Karding said issues on Ahmadiyya have been attached in the joint decree of three ministers (SKB) which was issued earlier.

According to Karding, Commission VIII has sent in a team to Cikeusik to look into the assault case.