National Exams, 5,814 Students Absent

Ujian Akhir Berstandar Nasional
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Tri Saputro

VIVAnews - As many as 5,814 High School students in Jakarta were absent during the first day of the National Exams. According to the regulation that the Jakarta administration issued earlier, the students will not have another chance to have a make-up test.

Deputy Chief of Jakarta Education Agency, Agus Suradika, said that make-up tests will only be possible for students who have provided preliminary notice of their absence.

"224 students are allowed to have make-up tests," Agus said in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Data from the Jakata Education Agency shows that 122,497 High School students are registered to join the National Exams. 99.81 percent of the total amount participated in the test.

The make-up tests will take place on between April 25 and April 28, 2011.

Chief of Jakarta Education Agency, Taufik Yudi Mulyanto, said earlier in a statement that such an unexpected issue as leaked exam materials will not be tolerated. "If the exam materials are leaked, there won't be any make-up tests," he said.