Coffin Sender Says Sorry

Sumardy, CEO Buzz & Co
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VIVAnews – CEO of marketing company Buzz&Co., Sumardy, has been declared a suspect in the perturbing case of coffin dispatch to some media and advertisement companies. For his action, he apologized.

“Personally and in the name of the company, I apologize to all parties that were disturbed by what I’ve done. This is a lesson for me and my institution,” said Sumardy at Tanah Abang District Police of Jakarta, Tuesday, June 7, 2011. Despite being a suspect, Sumardy was not arrested. He is only required to report to police station.

Sumardy hopes that the charge against him can be dropped. Thus, in the near future he will come and apologize to the complainers who felt being disturbed with the parcels. “I will do it so that they would revoke the complain,” said Sumardy, who was wearing all-white  clothes.

Earlier Sumardy acknowledged sending parcels of coffin for the purpose of promotion of Rest in Peace book launching. The parcels contained flowers and a note that writes along with access code for logging in to a website. According to him, this is a breakthrough in advertisement world.

Sumardy states he would still use the marketing technique. This is because, he said, one of marketing strategies is attractive ideas that prosper creativity. “However, the effects must also be taken into account. Whether they put other people into loss or violate ethics. But I was certainly shocked with this incident,” he said. Then, whether the marketing strategy was successful or not, as now he became a topic of news, he commented, “Let the public judge,” he said.

Sumardy is charged with Article 335 point 1 of Criminal Code on objectionable act, facing a penalty of one year imprisonment.

Translated by Indah Lestari