Customs Revenue Set to Exceed Rp30 Tn

Cukai Palsu
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Tri Saputro

VIVAnews - Directorate General of Customs and Excise sets higher revenue target from Customs by Rp30 trillion. Of the three sources of state revenue, cigarette excise is still atop the list.

"Revenue from cigarette excise, import and export duties in the first semester has exceeded the target," said Director General of Customs Agung Kuswandono, on Friday, August 12.

In spite of the increase, Agus believed the target would again be surpassed. Agung cited the excise revenue from cigarettes has reached Rp60 trillion to Rp70 trillion. "It's been about 60 percent of the targeted revenue in the first half of 2011," he said.

Customs and Excise claimed it continues taking internal efforts to enforce law and intelligence activities to anticipate leakage.

Agus said tax officers will take firm actions against cigarette manufacturers which buy counterfeit excises. According to him, the sanction is given according to the level of errors.

"Right now we are making some improvements," he said.