Biofuel Price Adapts Asian & Domestic Markets

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VIVAnews - The government decided that selling prices of biofuel from producers to consumers will refer to average biofuel prices in Southeast Asian and domestic biofuel markets. 

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Department of Energy, Evita Herawati Legowo, said that in order to provide equality to domestic producers, the government takes the average value of both indices.

Southeast Asia Index is utilized to determine biofuel prices of crude palm oil type. In addition, domestic prices are applied to castor plant, sugar cane and cassava. "The said materials are mostly found in the regions," said Legowo on Thursday, Jan. 29. 

Legowo said that in the 2009 State Budget, the government has allocated average biofuel subsidies of Rp 1,000 (8.8 cents) per litre. "This has been confirmed," she said.

Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono