Indonesia Aceh May See Violent Conflict

Irwandi Yusuf dan Presiden SBY
Sumber :
  • Biro Pers Istana Presiden/Abror Rizki

VIVAnews - The Commission for Disappearances and Victims of Violence (Kontras) warned of the danger of conflict in Aceh regional elections that are beginning to lead to people's radicalization. The warning was stated in an open letter to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Kontras Aceh spokesperson Hendra Fadli said that the dispute in Aceh elections indicates possible confrontation through a show of mass force launched by the respective political camps.

Fadli further reminded, Aceh historically speaking is an area that has demonstrated excellent mass mobilization. "We are predicting that in the near future, mass mobilization will continue to happen," he said.

Kontras Aceh expects the political trend of the mass mobilization can take place in a gentle fashion. "But it is difficult to assure that these actions would not lead to violence and radicalization of the masses. Moreover, this situation can also be easily taken advantage of by anti-democracy parties," said Fadli.

Therefore, Kontras and a number of NGOs in Aceh who are members of Pro-Peace Civil Society advised the president to intervene in order to quieten the conflicting parties in Aceh. "In this case, it deals with Irwandi Yusuf and Muzakir Manaf," said Fadli.