Govt Not Preparing Fine Financial Reports

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VIVAnews - The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) found six cases of violations on the compilation of State Financial Report (LKPP) committed by the government.

One of the cases involves government’s treasury at Bank Century.

Because of the case, BPK opted not to give opinions on the 2008 LKPP.

The six cases are included in the Government's Auditing Report (LHP) of the 2008 LKPP. The report was handed over by BPK Chief Anwar Nasution to the heads of the Regional Representative Council at the parliamentary complex on Wednesday, June 10.

The first case involves the Special Allocation Funds (DAK) which was granted to 63 local governments.

The fund, worth Rp 1.3 trillion, did not meet the criteria set in the Law no. 33/ 2004 on balanced financing between central and local governments.

The second case, the government decided not to distribute Rp 1.9 trillion of oil & gas’ land and building tax profit sharing to producer areas.

The third case, the Rp 9.9 billion expenses, which was paid through the State Treasury Office (KPPN) Jakarta II, was allegedly faked.

The fourth case, the delayed settlement of US$ 17 million donation problem which was deposited in Bank Century. The government’s right was given by the US government which was represented by the Commodity Credit Corporation-United States Department of Agricultural (CCC-USDA).

Currently, Bank Century is undergoing a serious problem which requires capital injection. The management of the bank has also taken over by the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS).

“The condition makes the government unable to use the granted cash to fund the State Budget”, Nasution said.

The sixth case, the Investment Fund Account (RDI) and the Regional Development Account (RPD) worth Rp 55 billions was used without obeying the State Budget’s mechanism.

In dealing with the treasury case at Bank Century, BPK recommended the government to take required steps including filing a lawsuit to process cash transfer given by the CCC-USDA.


Translated by: Nataya Ermanti