Hooded Pitohui Known as One of Very Dangerous Poisonous Birds

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VIVA – The Hooded Pitohui is a small bird endemic to Papua New Guinea. This bird is one of the most poisonous birds in the world. It has scientifically confirmed in the world.

This bird has a lot of poison in its body. Poisonous birds, such as the hooded pitohui, often have a specific protein that soaks up the toxins before they can harm the animal itself. Called “toxic sponges,” these protect the birds from any toxic effects while allowing the poison to remain in their feather, skin, or tissue.

People in Papua New Guinea have long been known to keep their hands off the Hooded Pitohui.

In 1989, there were several researchers who conducted research on song birds in Papua New Guinea. At that moment one of them was accidentally touched by the Hooded Pitohui and immediately felt irritation and numbness.

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When the Hooded Pitohui came into direct contact with the researcher's mouth, at that moment, the researcher felt like his lips were burning and he felt itchy. From there, experts classify the Hooded Pitohui as one of the poisonous poultry species.

Hooded Pitohui adults only have a height of about 23 cm and weighs 65 grams. This poisonous bird can only be found in tropical rain forests and wild forests in Papua New Guinea.

As for other characteristics that can describe this animal, it has black fur on the wings, head, and tail, while the back and belly are orange. This animal is the first bird to be crowned as a poisonous bird.

For Papua New Guineans, this type of bird is safe for consumption. For them, the bird is very delicious for consumption.