What If the World Without Oxygen for Five Seconds

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Sumber :
  • Wonderful Engineering

VIVA – Oxygen is one of the significant elements for living things such as plants, animals, and humans. Without oxygen, the survival of living things cannot go well. Inhaled oxygen roughly forms 21 percent of the atmosphere with 78 percent being nitrogen and one percent being carbon dioxide and other gases, as reported by News Nations.

Have you ever held your breath for five seconds? It sounds easy. Many humans can hold their breath for 30 to 40 seconds, some even up to a minute. However, it's not the same. If the earth was without oxygen for just five seconds, things would be a lot different.

Without oxygen, houses, dams, tall buildings, and any building made of concrete would collapse instantly. This is because oxygen acts as a special binding agent for concrete. If there is no oxygen, concrete is just dust.

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Photo :
  • Times of India

Not only give an impact on to build, the effect without oxygen for five seconds obviously affects to human-living. If you are under the sun, the ozone layer that protects against ultraviolet rays will disappear. The ozone layer is made of oxygen.

If the world lost oxygen for five seconds, the earth would be a very dangerous place to live. With the scorching sun, people's inner ears could explode. This is because the air pressure on Earth would drop by 21 percent and the ears would not have enough time to adjust.

The chaos doesn't end there. No oxygen means no fire and the combustion process in vehicles would grind to a halt. Every mode of transportation except those powered by electricity will shut down. Planes flying high in the sky will crash to earth and millions of cars running on gasoline and diesel will break down in the middle of the road.

Then, the blue sky will become pitch black. Among other things, the earth's crust, which is made up of 45 percent oxygen, is going to disintegrate and collapse until there is nothing left, sending the entire planet into free fall.