Don't Choose Leaders Who Use Religion as Political Tool

Menteri Agama Yaqut Cholil Quomas
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Jakarta – Ahead of the Indonesian 2024 General Elections, Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas urges people don't choose leaders who divide the people. 

"Don't choose prospective leaders who use religion as a political tool to gain power in the upcoming 2024 elections," Minister Qoumas stated as quoted from the official site of the Ministry of Religious Affairs on Monday. 

The Minister also said: "It must be checked properly. Have our prospective leaders, our presidential candidates, ever divided the people? If so, don't vote for them,"

Minister Qoumas emphasized that religion should be able to protect the interests of the entire community. He said while attending the 231st National Tabligh Akbar of Eid Khotmi of Thoriqoh Tijaniyah at Az Zawiyah Islamic Boarding School, Tanjung Anom, Garut, West Java

Ilustrasi Pemilu 2024.

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  • VIVA

"Muslims are taught to spread Islam as a mercy, Rahmatan lil 'alamin, mercy for the universe. Not just Rahmatan lil Islami," he explained. 

"We will see whether our prospective leaders have used religion as a tool to win their interests or not. If so, don't vote for them," Minister Qoumas said. 

According to Qoumas, this is so that the Indonesian people can get leaders who are trustworthy and can take responsibility for the progress of this country.

"I advise all ikhwan and akhwat that later when choosing leaders, choosing our prospective leaders, presidential and vice presidential candidates, we really look at their track records," he concluded.