Truck Restriction to be Made Permanent

Truk melintas di Jalan Tol Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu.
Sumber :
  • Antara/ Yudhi Mahatma

VIVAnews – The Jakarta government still believes that the policy of operational hour restriction for heavy-load vehicle is still worth implemented permanently. After the trial of the restriction, it will be evaluated directly to consider the continuation of the policy.

Jakarta Transportation Department Head Udar Pristono said the evaluation into heavy-load vehicle restriction in city toll roads will be carried out together with the central government as soon as the trial completes on June 10, 2011.

“On this June 10, 2011, there will be a joint meeting with all parties. We will do our best so that this policy can be made permanent, as so far the evaluation results are good,” said Pristono.

Pristono said that some positive aspects of the evaluation into the restriction trial will be presented during the meeting.

“At the minimum, the restriction for Cawang-Tomang-Pluit lane is to be retained,” he said.

According to Pristono, the policy will be perfect is Jakarta outer toll roads are connected and the toll roads for port access are completed. Plus if the central government implements the heavy-load vehicle operational hour.

“As the alternatives are already there, it’s better that all the toll roads in the city are sterile from heavy-load vehicles,” he emphasized.

Meanwhile, public policy observer from University of Indonesia, Adrianov Chaniago said that there should be a hearing session of competent experts in the upcoming meeting as regards the results of the diversion trial.

The parties with stake in this matter, such as Land Transportation Organization (Organda), consumer associations and respective departments and ministries were only asked for inputs. However, stipulating a policy must take into account neutral experts.

According to Adrianov, the chain effect from economic aspect, the benefits and the public aspiration must be the indicators.

Meanwhile, Jakarta Police is also optimistic that the heavy-load restriction can be patented soon. This policy is regarded as effective enough to tackle traffic.

According to Jakarta Police Traffic Division Deputy Director Chief Comm. Tomex Korniawan, the government is expected to be able to mull over public aspiration.

He emphasized that from preliminary output, the effects are in fact apparent, especially during rush hours, from 7am to 10am WIB (Western Indonesia Time) and 6pm to 9pm.

During these rush hours, traffic in city toll roads decreased up to 40 percent.

Translated by Indah Lestari