KPK Ready to Probe into Sri Mulyani

VIVAnews - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will in no time be summoned to testify about the alleged corruption case committed in the bailout of Bank Century.

Sri Mulyani will testify as former Chief of Financial Sector Stability Committee (KSSK).

Earlier, member of the Bank Century inquiry team Akbar Faisal said the antigraft commission has indicated that the bailout fund over Bank Century might have been embezzled. "[The KPK] signaled that corruption might have been committed," Faisal said.

Faisal said the alleged corruption was pulled off during the in-between processes of short-term financing facilities and temporary capital participation.

Moreover, in various occasions, secretary of the KSSK, Raden Pardede, claimed that the bailout policy the government took had been proper. He in fact refused had the bailout fund been intervened.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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