12 Indonesian Islands May Spark Conflicts

VIVAnews - We will never share our land, even for an inch, with the enemies. We will fight really hard to retain it. Although we are not afraid of the threat, we still have to be cautious.

Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander Gen. Djoko Santoso delivered the statements in his keynote speech at a national educational seminar entitled ‘Safeguarding Indonesia at Borderlines’ held by the University of Indonesia in Depok on Tuesday, January 12.

Indonesia, as an archipelago consisting of 17,504 islands with 92 outer islands in which 12 of them are located in the front, should pay attention to marine and borderline legal issues.

The existence of islands and lands that are immediately adjacent to other countries should not be seen only as a part of national security to protect the country’s integrity, but also given attention on the social, cultural and economic life of the people living in the areas.

According to the Presidential Decree no. 78 /2005 on outer small island management, 92 outer islands owned by Indonesia are used as basis points to determine the borders of Indonesian areas.

Of the 92 outer islands, 12 have potential conflict with other countries. The islands are Rondo Island, Sekatung, Berhala, Nipa, Marore, Miangas, Marampit, Fani, Fanildo, Brass, Batek and Dana.

Due to the potential conflict and the characteristics of borderlines and outer islands, proper territorial management is required.

The military should collaborate with all of the instances in both vertical and horizontal ways. Central and local government should also manage frontier areas and outer islands by empowering defense areas to support national development and increase national resilience.

“The military is only one of national components that have the authority and responsibility to administer borderlines and Indonesian outer islands,” Santoso said.

The educational seminar held by the University of Indonesia on Miangas Island, which are adjacent to the Philippines, from July to August last year, is considered relevant to the government’s attempt to empower the borderlines and outer islands.

Penjelasan BI soal Layanan Alipay Mau Masuk Indonesia


Translated by: Nataya Ermanti

Vidi Aldiano

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