Surabaya Hooligans Stoned

VIVAnews - The mannerof Surabaya Football Club’s supporters (popularly known as bonek) on their way to Bandung infuriated the locals.
While heading back to their hometown in Surabaya, the supporters were stoned by thousands of people.

Based on VIVAnews’ observation, the supporters were throwing stones at the houses of Solo people which are located close to the railway. The supporters even tried to wreck the tin roof of Jebres Station by hitting it constantly.

Central Java Police Head, Insp. Gen. Alex Bambang Trihatmodjo said the supporters did throw stones at the houses along their way to Bandung. They also threw the stones at the locals’ houses when they arrived in Solo.

“Due to the incident, the locals felt disturbed and angry. They later waited for the supporters to come back from Bandung and threw stones at them,” Trihatmodjo told reporters in Solo on Monday, January 25.

He also said the police had mapped every railway that will be passed by the supporters from Sragen to Cilacap to anticipate such incident.

“Upon my arrival in Solo yesterday, I received a report from the Chief of Solo Police that the youngsters were trying to stop the train that was carrying the supporters,” he said.

The angry youths burnt wheels and putting banana tree branches and iron pieces across the railway. “As soon as I got the report, I immediately headed to Jebres,” Trihatmodjo said.

In order to prevent higher number of victims, Trihatmodjo, together with the Heads of Resort and Local Police in Surakarta helped assigning all Dalmas and Brimob officers along the railway and villages in Solo. “It turns out that the people of Solo are able to make such mess,” he said.

Therefore, Trihatmodjo and his colleagues decided to board the train in order to stop the masses from throwing stones at the locomotives.

“Fortunately, we had the chance to do it. If not, bigger incidents would’ve happened. Especially, when the train stops. The supporters would have attacked by the locals. There would be more victims. Yesterday, nobody was injured,” Trihatmodjo said.

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Coverage by: Fajar Sodiq| Solo
Translated by: Nataya Ermanti

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