310 Indonesian Islands May Disappear from Map

VIVAnews - Three hundred and ten unnamed islands in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) are facing possible removal from Indonesia and world map. Until now, the team formed by the government to name the islands is still having disagreement with the locals.

According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), there are 566 islands in NTT while the National Land Agency (BPN) and the National Survey and Charting Coordination Agency (Bakosurtanal) noted 641 and 1,192 islands respectively.

The Head of NTT Regional Government Secretariat, Ricard Djami told VIVAnews on Thursday, February 4, that the central government had demanded every governor to give names to the islands since last year.

“The names will be informed to the UN to be legalized in order to prevent claim issue in the future,” Djami said.

He also said the government expects the names to be associated with the local characteristics of the islands. However, the ongoing disagreement is still holding up the attempt.

“As a result, around 310 islands haven’t been named. One of the causes is the divergence among the residents of the islands and the uncertainty in number of islands,” he said.

Djami went on by saying that until now, out of 566 islands in NTT, only 43 are occupied while the rest, including four outer islands, Ndana Rore, Ndana Sabu, Batek Island in the borderline of Indonesia and Timor Leste, and Mangudu Island near the Hindia Ocean, remain vacant. Since 2006, the government has assigned troops from the Indonesian Military (TNI) to guard the outer islands.

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Coverage by: Jemris Fointuna | Kupang
Translated by: Nataya Ermanti

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