Baby Born with Dual Genitalia in Indonesia

bayi kelamin ganda di Riau
Sumber :
  • Ali Azumar | VIVAnews

VIVAnews - The people of Sati Lake, West Ranbah Samo village, Rokan Hulu, Riau were in for quite a surprise following the birth of a dual-genitalia baby.

The baby’s parents, Amris and Ilam are equally surprised.  Their newborn third child, named Aflah Akmal, is now receiving multiple visits from those who are curious about the unusual event.

According to Amris, at first the baby was suspected to be a girl. However, after further examinations, a visible male genital was found on the bladder.

“We’re absolutely worried. How would this child grow up under such condition?” Amris, who works as a farmer, said.

Dealing with financial issue, Amris is expecting assistance from those who are willing to help fund his child’s medical treatment.

Since being delivered on January 20, 2010, the baby has not been taken to any doctor to figure out if a surgery is needed. “It’s hard to go to the doctor. It’ll certainly be costly”.


Sebagian Kota Besar di Indonesia Diprakirakan Turun Hujan, Ini Daftarnya

Coverage by: Ali Azumar | Riau
Translated by: Nataya Ermanti