Jakarta's ERP System to Be Applied Soon

Jalan di Singapura memakai sistem ERP
Sumber :

VIVAnews - The Jakarta administration will this year apply electronic road pricing (ERP) on four roads such as Jalan Thamrin, Jalan Sudirman, Jalan Rasuna Said and Old City area, all of which are business districts.

The ERP system will only be applied between Monday and Friday to cars and motorbikes. During the national holidays, the system will be shut down.

The pricing will depend on the following factors:

1. The vehicles being used. Motorbikes will be applied lower tariff than cars.

2. ERP hours. The ERP system will set different prices for different hours. Mornings and evenings will have higher tariff and noons.

Governor of Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo, said the ERP system is set so as to add more fund for improving the capital's mass transport modes.

"We're putting much hopes on the ERP system. We're lacking fund to advance public transportation," said Fauzi Bowo.


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana W

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