Jakarta Warteg Tax Postponed Until 2012

Pemda DKI akan memberlakukan pajak untuk warung tegal (warteg) sebesar 10 persen
Sumber :
  • ANTARA/Prasetyo Utomo

VIVAnews - The warteg (literally "Warung Tegal" - food stall) tax is delayed in its impose to 2012. The Jakarta Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) called on the Jakarta Legislation Agency to discuss revision over the Draft Bill on Regional Tax and Levies.

It is planned that Draft Bill will be passed in 2012.

Chief of the Jakarta Legislation Agency, also Chairman of Jakarta DPRD, Triwiksaksana, said the agency backs up plan of the Jakarta Governor, Fauzi Bowo, to postpone the passing of Regional Tax and Levies Regulation.

Triwisaksana said such food stalls have yet to be assessed restaurant tax until it reaches the its proper growth.

Based on Law No.28/2009 on Regional Taxes and Levies, the tax impose will be due in 2012.

Moreover, the government will no longer apply the previous parameter of Rp60 million of annual turnover for a warteg to be imposed tax.

Head of Jakarta Tax Agency, Iwan Setiadi, acknowledged that the tax impose will be delayed until 2012. "The revision is being prepared," he said.

The early estimate of Rp167,000 of daily turnover was considered too low. Therefore, the amount may be revised to Rp500,000 per day for a warteg owner to be eligible for tax assessment.


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana W

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