Indonesians Convinced Income to Rise 10 Pct

Sejumlah pencari kerja sedang antre di bursa kerja.
Sumber :
  • AP Photo/Mark Lennihan

VIVAnews - Consumer survey that Credit Suisse Indonesia conducted shows that 29 percent of household budget are allocated to food.

"The desire to spend more shows strong and continuous demand over basic needs," said Credit Suisse Research Analyst Arief Wana yesterday, Jan 17.

Despite the low income, Indonesians are optimistic that within the next 12 months they will have more revenue, according to the survey.

"Around 96 percent of respondents are positive that they will gain higher income. Meanwhile, 56 percent of the given respondents believe that their income will rise by 10 percent," Arief said quoting the survey.

The highest income growth is recorded outside of Java. The average income in Java is around Rp2.4 million while those living outside of Java earn Rp2.84 million pre month.

In the survey, 56 percent of respondents are willing to make crucial purchase such as property and autos.

Inflation rate is an obvious threat, but Arief said the issue will not go further. "As long as it's still a one-digit inflation rate, Indonesia will still be okay," said Credit Suisse analyst, Teddy Oetomo.


Translated by: Bonardo Maulana W

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