Police Arrest 3 Suspects in Ferry Fire

Korban Kapal Ferry Dumai Express 10
Sumber :
  • AP Photo

Indonesian police say they have arrested three people in connection with a ferry fire last week that killed 27 people.

Marine police Maj. Noman Trisapto says the three includes a bus driver who allegedly threw down a lit cigarette that started the fire.

Trisapto says the ferry's captain and engineer were also arrested Tuesday on suspicion of negligence after police questioned dozens of witnesses.

The ferry was carrying more than 400 people when it left Java island for neighboring Sumatra on Friday. It appears the fire broke out on the deck used by cars and trucks loaded with cargo.

Trisapto says the death toll climbed to 27 after more bodies were found Tuesday in the wreckage. Nearly 200 people were injured.


Associated Press

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