House Wants Reversal Method in Century Case

Century Bank
Sumber :
  • VivaNews/ Nurcholis Anhari Lubis

VIVAnews - Lawmaker Syarifuddin Sudding said in a statement that the principle of reversal of the burden of proof applied on Gayus Tambunan, which was found guilty of committing corruption, is deemed discriminating. In his opinion, the Bank Century bailout case should have been subject to the equivalent legal measure.

"While the government, name it either the President of Vice President, demands reversal of the burden of proof be imposed in Gayus case, Century should have been subject to the same method," Said Sudding today in a brief at the parliamentary complex, Jakarta, March 7.

"The reversal of the burden of proof principle should be exercised against anyone who is allegedly involved in the bailout," he said.

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24 April 2024