Sea Waves Sweep Parangtritis, 3 Missing

Pantai Parang Tritis, Yogyakarta
Sumber :
  • Antara/ Wahyu Putro A

VIVAnews - A series of unanticipated waves swept six tourists on Parangtritis Beach on Sunday, March 6. Beach lifeguards saved three while the remaining were washed out to sea.

Up until today, the drowned people are still missing.

Spokesperson of Parangtritis SAR team, Taufik M Faqi, said rescue officers have combed the beach for two days and the search went up in smoke.

"The stream tends to head eastward off the coast, which may drag the victims to the direction," he said.

The missing tourists are listed as Partiah, 18, from Magelang, Central Java; Septiana, 14, from Sleman; and Putri Damarsari, 14, from Sleman.


Coverage by: Juna Sanbawa| DIY

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