Indonesia's Ahmadi Mosque Sealed

Masjid Ahmadiyah di Bogor disegel (Ayatullah Humaeni | Bogor)
Sumber :

VIVAnews - The Bogor administration, West Java, shut down a mosque belonging to Ahmadi members located in Sindangbarang, West Bogor Subdistrict, on Monday, following a series of protests conveyed by the locals who have long demanded that the mosque is closed.

A Bogor official, Edgar Suratman, police officers, and local figures watched over the action. Edgar said the sealing of the Ahmadi mosque was specified by a decree issued by Bogor Mayor, who has made way for the banning of Ahmadiyya teaching in the city.

Police are instructed to monitor the sealed mosque to anticipate possible acts of violence that the masses may set off.

AHY Wanti-wanti Prabowo Usai Bertemu Cak Imin

In recent years, persecution and violent attacks have marked the lives of Ahmadis living across Indonesia. On Feb. 6, three Ahmadis in the subdistrict of Cikeusik, Banten were killed in a brutal attack by a lynch mob of more than 1,500 villagers. And more attacks have followed since.

The main bone of contention is the Ahmadiyah view of the Prophet Muhammad.

A crucial tenet in Islam is that Muhammad was the final prophet and the Koran is its holy book. But mainstream Muslim organizations accuse Ahmadiyah of considering its founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908), to be a prophet as well.


Coverage by: Ayatullah Humaeni | Bogor

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