Will Indonesia Need Development Bank?

Anggito Abimanyu
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VIVAnews - Indonesia is expected to have a bank which specifically deals with long-term infrastructure development.

According to an economic observer, Anggito Abimanyu, discrepancy still gets in the way between source of funds and financing. "Banks don't allocate much infrastructure financing due to the high cost," he said on Tuesday.

Indonesia requires such bank as Bank Pembangunan Indonesia, which had been shut down in late 1990s.

However, Chief of the Research and Community Service Institute at Atma Jaya University, A Prasetyantoko, current top banks can still finance infrastructure projects. "They're willing to provide funds, which are in fact unabsorbed," he said.

Indonesia is still classified as a low-ranked country at 75 of logistics index behind China (27), South Africa (28), and Malaysia (29).

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