Will Sharia Banks Offer More Security?

Pameran Perbankan Apconex 2010
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/ Tri Saputro

VIVAnews – Conventional banks in Indonesia have been subjects to fraud. This issue may open chances for sharia banks to attain more customers. Sharia banks must work hand-in-hand to provide services of foreign banks qualities.

“The market share of sharia banks has only reached seven percent of the total national banking,” said Bank BRI President Director, Ventje Raharjo, in Bandung, on Tuesday.

Ventje guarantees that sharia banking offers more security than conventional banks as long as it holds firm the sharia principles. In keeping with banks security, two elements must be put into consideration.

Technically speaking, the sharia banking must set up operational standards which comply with standard best practices. “As for non-technical issues, we have to employ people who are strongly willing to protect the bank,” said Ventje.

Sharia banks have improved more, especially BRI Syariah, according to Ventje.

The growth of BRI Syariah, which was established on January 1, 2009, hits more than 100 percent until today. In its first year, the assets of BRI Syariah were worth Rp1.5 trillion. However, by the end of 2009, the assets rose in value to Rp 3,8 trillion.  In late 2010, the amount soared to Rp6.8 trillion.

“BRI Syariah's assets by the end of March 2001 reached,” said Ventje.

The bank's Financing to Deposit Ratio (FDR) reaches 90 percent. On the other hand, the bank's Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) reaches 20 percent. Bank BRI is targeting that it would hit between 13 and 14 percent of CAR by the end of 2011.

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Zecky Alatas

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24 April 2024