Indonesia, Home of 21 Million Child Smokers

Hari Anti tembakau, rokok ditukar jeruk
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VIVAnews – Indonesia sees the rise in annual growth of child and youth smokers. The National Commission for Child Protection (Komnas PA) made a rough prediction that 21 million of Indonesian children have become smokers.

This number started to grow as of 2001. This year, it is estimated that the figure reaches by 38 percent. As for Jakarta, the level is assumed to have hit 80 percent.

Komnas PA demands the govt to revise the government draft bill (RPP) on tobacco, which has on the contrary harmed children. A section in the draft should have offered legal certainty to protect children and the youths from tobacco impact.

Komnas PA Chief, Arist Merdeka Sirait cited section 45 of the said governmental regulation which states that every child under the age of 18 is banned from buying or consuming tobacco products. “This section however is not working accordingly to the principles of child protection by positioning children as the objects of crime,” said Arist.

He went on to say that the government is obligated to protect children by making available healthy environment.

Arist said it is the cigarette companies which should have been prohibited from selling their products to children, instead of not allowing children to purchase and smoke cigarettes. “Cigarette advertisements, promotions, and tobacco sponsorship must be held up,” said Arist.

Massive cigarette campaigns may not reduce tobacco consumption by children and youths. The displayed and aired advertisements have urged child smokers to proceed with their habit. Meanwhile, those who have quitted smoking may be tempted become ones.”

The draft bill on tobacco needs to be evaluated seriously. “Seemingly, the government has less efforts in keeping in children from smoking,” explained Arist.

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