Legal Aid Agency Facing Financial Crisis

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VIVAnews - Legal Aid Agency of Jakarta is now facing the worst financial crisis in 40 years as the latest financial report stated that the agency only has Rp27 million of balance.

"The budget is only enough to provide legal services for one month," said Director of Legal Aid Agency of Jakarta, Nurkholis Hidayat, in written statement.

Nurkholis said since the Provincial Budget revoked its allocation to the agency since 2005, the Legal Aid Agency of Jakarta faced hurdles in maintaining the work. In addition, said Nurkholis, a number of donor agencies refused to disburse funds to the Legal Aid Agency because it is deemed part government's responsibility.

"On the other hand, the government did not give any financial support to the agency," said Nurkholis.

Each year, the Legal Aid Agency handles at least 1,000 complaints not including education for marginalized people.

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