Indonesian Middle Class Grows, Shoe Market Up

Industri Sepatu Lokal
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Nurcholis Anhari Lubis

VIVAnews – The Indonesian Shoe Manufacturers Association (Aprisindo) stated that national shoe market would keep growing. This is in line with the rise of per capita income and the number of middle-class people in Indonesia.

Based on World Bank’s data, in 2003 the number of middle class members was around 81 million or 37.7 percent. Meanwhile in 2011 this class had 131 million people or 56.5 percent.

In the statement VIVAnews received, with a population of 230 million Indonesia has a vast market potential. “At the minimum, every person needs two pair of shoes a year,” the statement says.

Unfortunately Aprisindo did not explain how large is the shoe market in Indonesia. The association only explained the growth of shoe export. According to the statement, in 2010 local shoe producers managed to increase the export amount up to 44 percent. The export amount rose from US$1.7 billion in 2009 to US$2.5 billion in 2010.

Last year’s export growth was the highest since 2006. This is despite in 2009 national shoe export plunged by 7.9 percent. The cause was no other than several export destinations undergoing economic crisis.

Out of the total export amount, 79 percent is for sports shoes. Based on volume, shoe export in 2010 reached 251 million pairs. This figure is the highest since 2006. The exports from 2006 to 2009 were 117 million, 176 million, 195 million and 193 million pairs respectively.

The export country destinations are still dominated by the United States, with 2.6 percent, Germany 8.5 percent, UK 7.9 percent, Italy 6.6 percent, the Netherlands 6.0 percent and the remaining is other countries.

Translated by Indah Lestari

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