Singapore Says Nazaruddin Is Not There

Muhammad Nazaruddin, Bendahara Umum Partai Demokrat
Sumber :
  • Flickr Demokrat

VIVAnews - Indonesian fugitive of alleged bribery case M. Nazaruddin is believed to have entered Singapore by the Indonesian authorities. However, the Singapore government today, July 5, announced that the former Democratic Party treasurer was not everywhere in Singapore.

"Mr Nazaruddin is not in Singapore and has not been her for some time," Singapore's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

"This information was conveyed to the Indonesian authorities several weeks ago, long before he was named a suspect by Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission on 30 June 2011."

It was also stated in the report that the Singapore government is willing to cooperate with Indonesian law enforcement authorities on this and other cases. The spokesperson added that the Singapore government could not hamper the man from entering or leaving the country because he was not under any charges of crime.

Concerning Nazaruddin's whereabouts, the spokesperson said, "I do not know as we do not track people after they leave Singapore."

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