Protection for Nazaruddin Mulled Over

Foto Nazaruddin yang dirilis Kepolisian Kolumbia
Sumber :
  • AP

VIVAnews – The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) said it is necessary for the Witness and Victims Protection Agency (LPSK) to watch over anyone with information including former Treasurer of Democratic Party, Muhammad Nazaruddin, who allegedly was involved in the graft case on athlete dorm project construction.

"Anyone has the right to be protected, so that he or she can safely and freely testify," said KPK Deputy Chairman of Prevention Division M Jasin at KPK office, on Wednesday, August 10.

KPK has partnered with LPSK to provide protection for witnesses and suspects as regards disclosure of corruption cases. "It's a common procedure, by all means. We always give them opportunity to have the agency’s protection," he explained.

Earlier, an idea to provide security service over Nazaruddin generated debates. Some people refused Nazaruddin being protected by LPSK, but others suggested that Nazaruddin get full protection so as to ensure delivery of any of the information and data he has.

To date, Nazaruddin’s escape ended in Cartagena, a touristic town in Colombia. The local police captured him over the suspicion that his face was much different from that attached on passport photo he was carrying – which bore Syarifuddin’s name.

Related to the arrest, Jasin said, the small bag carried by Nazarudin when he was caught became one of the important things that will serve as evidence for KPK.

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