Govt Insists on Maintaining Fuel Quota

Pengendara motor antre isi bahan bakar di SPBU.
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Nurcholis Anhari Lubis

VIVAnews - The government insisted on maintaining the quota of subsidized fuel in accordance with the 2011 Revised State Budget of 40.4 million kiloliters. This is despite the prediction that the number of vehicles in the country would increase.

"We have taken the growth of vehicles into account," said Coordinating Minister for the Economy Hatta Rajasa on Tuesday.

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo also said he would retain that number. Therefore programs restricting fuel consumption, either through gradual or closed distribution, are necessary.

Agus said the restriction programs will be overlooked by Downstream Oil and Gas Regulator (BPH Migas), Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry and state-run oil and gas company PT Pertamina.

Based on data of BPH Migas, the realization of subsidized fuel consumption from January 1 to July 31, 2011 reached 23.6 million kl. This figure comprises 14.3 million kl Premium, 8.2 million kl diesel, and 1 million kl kerosene.

"The total excess of quota is 1.83 percent by last July," said BPH Migas Chief Tubagus Haryono, in the statement received by VIVAnews.

Last July, the government and the House of Representatives actually already raised the subsidized fuel quota from 38.5 million kl to 40.49 kl, but seemingly this quota would be exceeded.

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