Arts and Culture

22-26 Jan. - Indigenous Cultural Festival

VIVAnews - Celebrated Indonesian film-maker and Australian alumni Mira Lesmana and Australian Embassy Charge d'Affairs Louise Hand launched Dreaming Stories, an Australian Indigenous Cultural Festival in Jakarta, Friday January 23rd 2009.

"I am delighted we can share the strong connection indigenous people have with their traditions and the ways in which those traditions are being maintained and celebrated today," Hand said.

Held at Blitzmegaplex, Grand Indonesia, from 22-26 January 2009, the Festival features award-winning Australian Indigenous films. One of the movies is Ten Canoes directed by prominent Australia director Rolf De Heer.

"This movie gave me a broader insight on the way of life of Aborigin people in the past. They represent a truly Australian culture which, to some extent, may have some similarities with our culture," said Sihar Simatupang, a cultural analyst after watching the film.

The other movies played in this festival are Rabbit Proof Fence; The Tracker; and Australian Rules. The latter describes Australia's own football code. For those who want to watch the movies but can't understand English, there is no need to worry because they have all been subtitled into Bahasa Indonesia.

The festival also includes BALGO, an exhibition of contemporary Aboriginal art from the Balgo Hills region of remote Western Australia. It presents a range of stories and ceremonies of the mythic Tjukurpa (Dreaming) that Balgo artists paint in a new and vital art form that blends the ancient with the contemporary; the abstract with representations of landscape; and the spiritual with the political. 

Two Balgo artists, Joan Nagomara and Imelda Gugaman, the Director of Warlayitri Artists Art Center, Sally Clifford, and Head of Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University, Professor Anita Lee Hong, attended the exhibition on its first international staging in Jakarta.         

Ajak Nostalgia di Pestapora, Ari Lasso: Makasih Ya karena Menyaksikan Penyanyi Tua Ini

For more information, contact the Cultural Section of the Australian Embassy 2550 5248/262/264