Will Indonesia Expel Greenpeace?

Aksi Greenpeace
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Nurcholis Anhari Lubis

VIVAnews - Home Affairs Ministry will reassess the presence of foreign non-governmental organization (NGO) on the environment, Green Peace, in Indonesia.

"Does Green Peace contribute significantly to economic growth and whatnots or is it causing more troubles to the country?" Home Affairs Ministry spokesman Raydonnyzar Moenek in a conversation with VIVAnews, Friday.

According to Raydonnyzar, foreign NGOs in Indonesia must comply with the norms of law and the principles of sovereignty of Indonesia.

The Ministry also pointed out the uninformative budget issue, lacking transparency in in allocating funds.

"They must and are obliged to provide financial report. They also have to account for it prior to making it accessible to the public," said Raydonnyzar.

Nonetheless, there is a concern that the reassessment is a result of Green Peace's harsh criticisms over top companies. "No, it's not. We pay respect for what they're doing. That's part of their job. But the question is that how effective it is their job?" he said.

Will Indonesia expel Green Peace? "This issue is not in the vacuum. It's legit for the state to take such an action. Even European countries take it easy," he said.

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