Thousands of Indonesians in Saudi Face Jail

Sejumlah tenaga kerja wanita asal Indonesia yang terlantar di Arab Saudi beberapa waktu lalu.
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VIVAnews – National Agency for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI) Deputy Head Lisna Y Poeloengan said that the Saudi Arabian government set the limit of Indonesian migrant workers’ stay to September 14, 2011. The Saudi government will finance the deportation of those who give in.

For those who do not report themselves until the time limit will be prosecuted, facing the penalty up to three years in prison prior to deportation. However, this issue has not yet been socialized among migrant workers from regions.

“We have not received this news directly. In fact, there are thousands of Indonesian migrant workers originated from Sukabumi and Cianjur, West Java in Saudi Arabia,” said Chairman of Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Trade Union (SBMI) Sukabumi, Jejen Nurjanah.

Up to September 2011, SBMI Sukabumi has received 423 reports on Indonesian migrant workers who have difficulties in Saudi Arabia. The complaints comprise 20 percent violence and harassment against Indonesian migrant workers, 40 percent unpaid salary to Indonesian migrant workers and the remaining is overstayed Indonesian migrant workers.

Jejen, who were also a migrant worker, went on saying that overstayed migrant workers are usually those who run away from their employers due to a variety of reasons. These workers cannot return home due to ignorance and lack of experience. Most of them do not attend high school and work in informal sectors.

“If there are deportation and massive arrest of Indonesian migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, it is most likely that Indonesian worker cases will increase. SBMI Sukabumi will coordinate with Central SBMI, SNP2TKI and Sukabumi regional government. We are ready for advocacy,” said Jejen.

Head of Manpower and Transmigration Bureau of Sukabumi, Aam Amaarulah Halim, acknowledged he has not received any news regarding the Saudi Arabian government’s plan.

“Currently the bureau’s data has it that 2,167 Sukabumi residents became Indonesian migrant workers in informal sectors and 2,348 in formal sectors in Saudi Arabia. This is the legal data, excluding the illegal residents who would be found out after a case occurs,” he said.

The Manpower and Transmigration Bureau will continue coordinating with Sukabumi regency Social Affairs Bureu and BNP2TKI to anticipate the deportation of Indonesian migrant workers. Currently the Manpower and Transmigration Bureau is updating the Indonesian migrant worker data and facilitating cases of the workers in Saudi Arabia.

The undelivered Saudi Arabian government’s ultimatum was also acknowledged by Sukabumi Municipal Social Affairs Manpower and Disaster Mitigation Bureau Head of Manpower division, Agus Andriansah.

“We will soon coordinate with all related institutions regarding this ultimatum. We have prepared some programs and assistance to empower ex-migrant workers,” he said.

For February to August 2011  Sukabumi Municipal Social Affairs Manpower Bureau’s data show that 145 residents signed as Indonesian migrant workers legally. Out of that figure, 86 work in informal sectors in Saudi Arabia. This data excludes the illegal ones. Out of 145 Indonesian migrant workers, only one came from this city.

Translated by Indah Lestari

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