Yudhoyono Cabinet to Be Reshuffled

Sofjan Wanandi, Ketua Umum APINDO
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Tri Saputro

VIVAnews – Whether the issue of cabinet reshuffle is true or not is not only a grand question among politicians, but also entrepreneurs.

The Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) questioned President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono about the cabinet reshuffle. “We are asking the president, that for legal certainty and our stock market, for the ministers to be at ease, if the cabinet is to be reshuffled, then do it,” said Apindo Chairman Sofjan Wanadi.

Sofjan said the rumor of cabinet reshuffle ticks off some parties, including entrepreneurs. “Don’t make everybody worried, and we are unable to work as everybody is curious of the certain outcome,” he said.

Then what did President Yudhoyono reply to the question? “He (President Yudhoyono) believes that the analysis underway is aimed at evaluating the performance of all ministers on their two years of working,” said Sofjan.

The president highlighted the issue that the analysis will determine whether a minister is capable of working or not. “He will take the decision next month,” he said.

However, Sofjan said, the president is reluctant of informing about the reshuffle further.

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