Obama to Arrive in Indonesia Bali Today

Barack Obama pidato di Sidang Umum PBB
Sumber :
  • REUTERS/Jessica Rinaldi

VIVAnews - Commander of Indonesian Air Force at Ngurah Rai Air Base, Lieut. Col. Jumarto, said US President Barack Obama's arrival is confirmed following the coming of the United States Secret Service (USSS).

"We have the information that the Air Force 1 will arrive today," he said.

Earlier, a staffer at the US Consulate, Emily, called on the media to prepare for covering the arrival of US State Secretary, Hillary Clinton, and President Barack Obama, at around 2 p.m. local time.

145 US journalists are expected to come along with the Obama team.

In total, around 1,958 foreign journalists from 280 media outlets and 70 local journalists will be present in Bali to write up on the ASEAN Summit.


Coverage by: Bobby Andalan | Bali

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