New Regulation, Banks to Focus on Real Sector

Pegawai Memperlihatkan Emas Batangan di Bank BNI Syariah
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/ Muhamad Solihin

VIVAnews - Bank Indonesia (BI) prohibits banks to finance gold pledging aiming at speculations. 

Fairuz A Rafiq Beberkan Kondisi Terkini Usai Dilarikan ke RS Bersama Buah Hati

According to analyst of gold trading and investment, Mulyadi Tjung, gold pledging is in fact not illegal. 

"From the point of view of BI, the central bank avoids the possibility of gold flooding which may not be claimed should gold prices fall," he told VIVAnews

Indonesia Bakal Jadi Basis Produksi Mobil Listrik Canggih

The new BI regulation sets maximum limit of financing at Rp100 million per customer with loan to value ratio of 80 percent. 

The regulation emphasizes banks' focus on loan disbursement to the real sector.  

Rekam Jejak Luar Biasa Raja Aibon Kogila 821 Hari Jadi Komandan Pasukan Tengkorak Kostrad TNI

"Can you imagine Rp12 trillion worth of fund channeled for gold pledging? It would do micro, small and medium-sized enterprises good, for the effect on the economy would be better," he said. 

Presiden Joko Widodo dan Yanda Zaihifni Ishak jadi saksi pernikahan

Momen Presiden Joko Widodo jadi Saksi Nikah Anak Wamenaker Afriansyah Noor

Presiden Joko Widodo bersama Yanda Zaihifni Ishak menghadiri acara pernikahan putri dari Wakil Menteri Ketenagakerjaan (Wamenaker) Afriansyah Noor.

20 April 2024