Two Top Foreign Companies to Invest More

Kunjungan Menteri Perdagangan Gita Wirjawan
Sumber :
  • VIVAnews/Ikhwan Yanuar

VIVAnews – Indonesian Trade Minister, Gita Wirjawan, said that based on the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum/WEF in Davos, Switzerland, Jan 27 – 29, two top investors are willing to invest in Indonesia.

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“We were promoting Indonesia [in Switzerland]. Many companies will invest in Indonesia. Among them are Unilever and a German company. They are planning to chip in billions of dollars to the country,” said Gita today, Jan 31. 

Gita said during the Davos meeting, Indonesia was included in the list of countries with the gross domestic product (GDP) of more than US$1 trillion. 

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“The meeting was very crucial. We could project the latest Indonesia’s profile. Indonesia is beginning to be recognized as a large-scale nation,” he said. 

“The developed countries in the list [of US$1 trillion GDP] are only China, India, Russia and Brazil. Other than that, the list also comprises of Mexico, South Korea, Turkey and Indonesia,” he said. 

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