Newmont's Underwater Tailing Permit Legal

Pertambangan Newmont Sumbawa
Sumber :

VIVAnews – Ministry for the Environment (KLH) said the reissuance of tailing or seabed mining waste disposal license (STP) granted on May 21, 2011, to PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara (PT NNT) is already in accordance with the law. 

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Fourth Deputy of the Ministry, Masnellyarti, in an Administrative Court (PTUN), said the issuance referred to thorough studies on the environmental impact which had been conducted more than 10 years ago. 

Advanced assessment on the environmental impact set out during mining operation showed that underwater tailing proves most appropriate for the tailing in Batu Hijau mines. 

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“The Ministry has met all procedures, including PP No. 19/1999 and Kepmen No. 18/ 2009 in re-issuing the STP extension to PT NNT,” Masnellyarti said yesterday, Feb 7. 

The comprehensive scientific study was launched by a team of experts formed by the Ministry. Other countries such as Turkey, Chile, Canada, Norway and UK apply the STP method. 

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As regards WALHI and West Sumbawa Regency (KSB)'s statements which underlined that the STP concession should have been issued out by KSB, PT NNT’s lawyer, Hafzan Taher, said article 18 section 1 of PP No. 19/1999 specifies on the responsilities that every person or business must hold to carry out seabed dumping. 

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20 April 2024