RIM Launches New Huge Store in Jakarta

Kantor pusat Research in Motion - RIM
Sumber :
  • REUTERS/ Geoff Robins

VIVAnews - Canadian multinational telecommunications company Research in Motion (RIM) has launched a BlackBerry Store in Jakarta, dubbed as the most capacious throughout Asia. RIM teams up with a distributor PT Teletama Artha Mandiri (TAM) and mobile device retailer PT Erafone Artha Retailindo.  

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"Consumers may explore all BlackBerry products, services and apps through more than 90 live demo units available in the store," said TAM President Director, Hasan Aulia, today, during the opening remarks. 

In the meantime, RIM South Asia Vice President, Hasting Singh, said, "RIM is committed to support the alliance in efforts to offer Indonesian consumers the best experience with their BlackBerry devices."

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The BlackBerry store, located in a shopping mall in South Jakarta, will be open to the public by 25 February 2012. 

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