22 February 2005

A Prominent Historian Passed Away

VIVAnews - Prof. Dr. Kuntowidjojo, MA was born on 18 September 1943 in Yogyakarta into a religious family. He completed his elementary and secondary school education in Klaten and Surakarta.

Upon graduating from high school, Kuntowidjojo attended Gadjah Mada University and graduated in 1969 with a degree in history. A year later, the father of two became a lecturer at his alma mater. 

In 1974, Kuntowidjojo obtained a Master's degree in history from the University of Connecticut.  Five years later, In 1980, he earned a Doctoral degree in history from Columbia University.

Kuntowidjojo was an active writer. During his life, the husband of Susilaningsih, had written more than 50 books, ranging from history and religion to literature. His most celebrated books, among others, were “Pengantar Ilmu Sejarah,” “Metodologi Sejarah,” “Radikalisme Petani,” “Khotbah di Atas Bukit” (novel), “Daun Makrifat, Makrifat Daun” (poems), “Pasar” (novel), “Mantra Penjinak Ular.”

Kuntowidjoyo's literary and writing endeavors were not limited to books alone; he also wrote dozens articles and short stories for several newspapers and magazines, such as “Dilarang Mencintai Bunga-bunga,” and “Anjing-anjing Menyerbu Kuburan.”

In 1992, Kuntowidjoyo fell sick with meningo enchepalitis virus. Since then, he spent most of his time in his home, writing books, stories, and articles.

During his life, Kuntowidjojo had received several literary awards from the Indonesian government, ASEAN, newspapers, magazines, book publishers, and professional organizations.

Prof. Kuntowidjojo passed away in Yogyakarta on 22 February 2005, at the age of 62.

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