2009 Elections

No Re-Elections to Be Held, Says Commission

VIVAnews - The Elections Commission (KPU) will not arrange a re-election although there were problems during the current Elections. KPU insisted that the problems were insignificant. 

"It is not easy to hold a re-election. There must be certain terms and conditions," said KPU member, Endang Sulastri, on Monday, April 13.

The above statement was a result of the violations allegedly committed during the Elections. For instance, many voters unregistered in the final voters list caused the 2009 parliamentary Elections to have been considered illegitimate. This triggered several parties that have been dissatisfied by the Elections demanded for a re-election.

Sulastri acknowledged that re-elections are actually stipulated by Law No.10/2008 on the Elections. In fact, the law also specifies on re-elections as well as make-up elections. "They may [urge for re-elections]. However, we had clearly arranged the Elections as best as we can. If there is dissatisfaction, legal action should be taken," she said.

The Law stated that the re-elections can be carried out taking into account several conditions such as inconsistency in ballot counting as well as restricted ballot counting.

Matters on the final voters list, according to Sulastri, are not significant enough to be the grounds for the re-elections. "Every mechanism on the Elections has been in line with the guidelines. If it is already that way, there will no be a re-election," she said. 

She stressed that final voters list is not part of the Elections' procedures. However, KPU will solve issues concerning the final voters' list. The list of voters during the parliamentary Elections, she said, will be used as temporary voters list for the presidential elections.

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Translated by: Bonardo Maulana Wahono

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