20 Most Confusing Road Signs in the World, Make People Think

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  • Pixabay

VIVA – Usually, road markers are instructions for drivers. So, they will not get lost while heading to their destination.

Segera Hadir Fitur Baru untuk Pengguna Mobil Listrik

Instead of helping, road signs often end up being a painful joke and the subject of public ridicule. Sure, Waze or Google Maps are usually there to save drivers, but that doesn't make any sense for these road signs.

So, before you move on to your next driving adventure, here are 20 strange and confusing road markers for drivers.

Lacak Nomor HP dengan 4 Cara, Terakhir Bisa Cek Tarif Tol

1. Right Lane MUST Right Left

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Cek Tarif Tol Lewat Google Maps, Pastikan Saldo Cukup

When drivers see this, they must be confused because where is the right lane? And what is it supposed to mean?

2. Meanwhile in the Strange World

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When the driver wants to turn, the current driver follows the instructions to turn right and turn left. But what about this sign? Left writing but arrows to the right, as well as writing to the right but arrows point to the left.

3. Confusing Road sign

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If you saw this road sign, what would you do? It is forbidden to turn right, turn left, go straight, uniquely, this sign also indicates that we are not allowed to go down the road. While no one wants to go underground on the road.

4. Do Not Read Under Penalty of Law

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Obviously, this road sign is intended for people who are penalized or punished.

5. No Stopping Any Time

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Don't Stop. Just Don’t. Believe it. It's a Trap.

6. Go Anywhere, Good Luck!

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This one road sign is unique, not only providing an overview of many misleading directions, but also the readers of this road marker pronounced Good Luck so that motorists can find their own way without looking at the road signs.

7. Very Absolutely Road Sign

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It is not wrong if road markers should show the right direction for motorists. However, for this road marker it is too precise that it should not need to be held.

8. Brain-damaging Road Signs

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If motorists saw this road sign, what would they think? Keep going or turning back home?

9. Loch and Burden

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This one road marker is very unique because of the image. Seen a car that looks like it wants to be eaten by a giant that looks like a dragon. Whereas the purpose of this road marker is to avoid the driver from the large stones.

10. Please Slow Drively

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Confusing, isn't it? So how do you drive?

11. School Days Only

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See the hours on this sign? The goal is to avoid driving speed during school hours. But if the school hours are this much it will be very confusing for school children.

12. Sign Not in Use

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This road marker is not as useful as mopping the terrace of the house when it rains heavily and bathing without soap.

13. No Left Turns Allowed

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This road marker prohibits motorists from turning right until the road is very quiet.

14. Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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15. Universe Communications

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16. Speed ??Limit 12 1/2

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If you are reading this, what will you do? How to measure speed with the number 12 1/2?

17. No Traffic Signs

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It seems that this sign has lost its identity as a road sign.

18. In Airplane View

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Not only cars that can hit or trouble other cars. But also, planes can hit cars, too. This is very dangerous.

19. YOLO: Road Sign Edition

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20. Beware of Big Animals

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Have you ever had your car hit by an animal such as a cow, buffalo, or bull? If you want to try, then you have to pass this road sign.

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