6 Myths of Ranu Kumbolo Lake of Mount Semeru

Ranu Kumbolo .
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VIVA – Ranu Kumbolo lake has a beauty that can be enjoyed when climbers visit Mount Semeru, East Java. Ranu Kumbolo is a lake located in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

Ranu Kumbolo does have an amazing charm and this place is one of the interesting places to visit. Ranu Kumbolo is also a favorite and best place to be able to enjoy sunrise and sunset.

The lake, dubbed the paradise of Mount Semeru, has beauty and mysterious things in it. Here are some mysteries and myths in Ranu Kumbolo Lake, people should know.

Ranu Kumbolo

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1. The Sacred Water of Ranu Kumbolo Lake

The citizens believe in the myth that Ranu Kumbolo is a very holy and sacred water because this wide area is often used for religious rituals of the local community.

There are several restrictions for climbers who come to this lake. For example, climbers are not allowed to bathe, wash, let alone defecate in the lake. For visitors, don't try to swim either, because the temperature is very extreme and the depth reaches 28 meters.

2. The Climb of Love 

Visual Tak Teramati, Gunung Semeru Erupsi 104 Detik

The climb of Love or locally known as Tanjakan Cinta on Mount Semeru has a beauty that can be enjoyed by climbers.

It was said, this love holds various interesting myths to explore. For people who continue to climb the incline of love while thinking about the idol of the heart without looking back, then later their love story will be happy.

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But on the other hand, if people dare to look back, then their love story will have a sad ending.

3. Goldfish, Guardian of Ranu Kumbolo

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Ranu Kumbolo

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  • ci2t141088.wordpress.com

Ranu Kumbolo Lake is overflowing with goldfish. However, there is a prohibition for every visitor to the lake not to fish or catch it.

It is because local people believe that the goldfish is the incarnation of the goddess assigned to maintain the beauty of Ranu Kumbolo.

4. There is a Goddess Uses a Yellow Kebaya

Not only goldfish, it turns out that many say that Ranu Kumbolo Lake is guarded and awaited by a woman. According to stories circulating, the woman often appears in a yellow kebaya.

5. The Eternal Peak of the Gods

Pendaki Gunung Semeru saat berada di Ranu Kumbolo, Selasa, 19 Desember 2017

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  • VIVA.co.id/ Lucky Aditya (Malang)

After transiting at Ranu Kumbolo, climbers can continue their journey to Mahameru Peak. This peak is the highest point on the island of Java. Much higher than the peaks of Mount Slamet, Sumbing, Sindoro, or Gede Pangrango.

In fact, Mahameru is also known as the eternal peak of the gods that connects humans and heaven.

6. The Spike of Java Island

Some of the myths spreading, especially the Javanese people are written in the ancient Tantu Pagelaran, formerly the island of Java was floating in the ocean.

Then, the god decided to spike the island of Java by moving Mount Meru in India to the island of Java.

At first, this mountain was at the western end of Java. However, because of its biased position, the mountain was divided into two with Mount Semeru on the east side and Mount Penanggungan on the west side of Java.

Before appearing, smoke will billow on the surface of Ranu Kumbolo during the full moon.

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