AMSI Forms Agency to Build a Healthy Media Industry

Pembukaan Indonesian Digital Conference (IDC) 2022.
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VIVA – The Indonesian Cyber Media Association (AMSI) is holding the Indonesian Digital Conference (IDC) 2022 on November 22. This event was previously held online for two consecutive years. Chairperson of AMSI, Wenseslaus Manggut said it was a refreshing event for the media industry.

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Currently, there are 412 AMSI members spread across the archipelago. They are media industry players, 75 percent of whom are included in the SME industry (Small and Medium Enterprises).

"I can report to the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, that the majority of our members, especially in the regions, are media that are still classified as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). So, it needs full attention to the running of the media industry," Wenseslaus remarked.

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While the online media industry is very different from conventional media, online media cannot be monitored from upstream to downstream.

Ketua Asosiasi Media Siber Indonesia (AMSI) Wenseslaus Manggut

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"In conventional media, we can still monitor from the editorial department, printing, to marketing and loper. We can monitor everything. But online media is very different and cannot be monitored as a whole. From upstream to downstream," Wenseslaus added.

He added that there are quality and ecosystem problems that affect the media industry. So, AMSI as a forum for online media needs to enter the ecosystem to be able to help its members.

"We complain about dime content, readers complain that it is not user friendly, the government complains that the media tends to clickbait without entering the ecosystem. AMSI decided to enter the ecosystem, and create its agency," he said.

The agency becomes the main spirit in quality content, from incentives and content so that it is no longer based on traffic or waiting for content to go viral.

"AMSI must enter the ecosystem. So, the media industry needs to be healthy. One of them is that we will form our business agency to ensure quality content and still get revenue," he explained again.

Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs Teten Masduki, who officially opened IDC 2022, hope in the future the media business can be well organized to become a healthy media business.

"We hope AMSI as a forum for online media can continue to exist and run a healthy and quality media business. It is hoped that the media can always promote government programs, especially those related to MSMEs," he added.

The IDC 2022 event was held in six sessions with themes on the industry, media, finance, telecommunications, advertising, and issues regarding personal data protection. All refer to the main theme "Web 3.0, Opportunities and Challenges for Business Models in the Digital Age".

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