Optical Illusion: Try to Spot the Headphone in This Bathroom Image

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  • Times of India

VIVA – Optical illusion has become one of the most exciting vision games for some people to play. On social media, many optical illusion images are popular because they can determine a person's intelligence, such as the following image. Try to find the Headphone in this bathroom picture.

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In this image, there is a bathroom consisting of a toilet, sink, toothbrushing equipment, washing machine, and soap for washing. However, not only that, there is a headphone.

If you can spot the headphone in less than 10 seconds, then you're a smart person, as quoted from the Times of India.

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Well, can you find it?

This optical illusion aims to make people spot the headphone hidden in the image.

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That said, only 2 percent of people can recognize the camouflaged headphone in this image. Your vision will become clear if you succeed in this optical illusion test.

Have you found it yet?

If you're having trouble finding the concealed headphone, we'll let you know that they're on the lowest shelf of the cabinet, right behind the detergent. The blue background serves as an excellent disguise for the headphone.

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