10 Death Signs that People Need to Know

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VIVA – Everyone in the world will experience death. As is known, death never going to be easy for anyone because it is a secret of God. Whenever and wherever, someone can be called by God. Therefore, it is important for us to always prepare ourselves before death.

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Some people said that 40 days before the person dies, they seem to give a sign to the people around them without realizing it, either by the person or the people around him. Well, there are some signs of death that people need to know.

1. Sleeping more

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  • Unsplash/Kinga Cichewicz

Several months before the end of life, a dying person may begin to sleep more than usual. As you get closer to death, your body’s metabolism falls. Without a steady natural supply of energy, fatigue, and tiredness easily win out.

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2. Eating and drinking less

Energy needs decrease as you get older. Because you don’t need as much energy to carry out daily tasks, food and drinks seem less necessary. People who are near death may not even be interested in some of their favorite foods. A few days before death, your loved one may stop eating or drinking entirely.

3. Withdrawing from people

It’s not uncommon for people who are dying to slowly withdraw from the activities and people they love. This is a natural reflection of energy changes, as well as a desire to protect their final days and hours.

4. Changing vital signs

Blood pressure dips near death. Changes in breathing become more obvious, and heartbeats become irregular and difficult to detect. As the blood pressure falls, the kidneys will stop working, too. You may notice urine that is tan, brown, or rust-colored.

5. Changing waste functions

As your loved one eats less food and drinks fewer fluids, bowel movements may become smaller and irregular. Likewise, urinating may become infrequent. After eating and drinking stops entirely, they may not need to use the restroom at all.

6. Dropping body temperature

Blood circulation draws inward toward your vital organs in the final days. That means blood circulation in places like your hands, feet, and legs is greatly reduced. That can lead to skin and limbs that feel cool to the touch.

The skin may appear pale, too. Eventually, the reduced circulation may cause the skin to take on a mottled blue-purple look.

7. Weakening muscles

In the final days before death, muscles can become very weak. Simple tasks, like lifting a cup of water or turning over in bed, may become difficult.

8. Breathing troubles

This is an alarming sign for many people as they sit with a loved one who’s dying. These breathing fluctuations may include changes in breathing, sudden gasps for air, or long periods between breaths.

9. Increasing the confusion

The brain remains very active during the dying phase. However, it’s not uncommon for a person who is dying to have moments of confusion or incoherence. Some people may become restless and aggressive if they do not know where they are or what’s happening.

10. Pain

The intensity of pain will likely increase as a person becomes nearer to death. It’s not uncommon for a person to show visible signs that they’re in pain. These signs include grimacing, wincing, groaning, or scowling.

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